Carmel Excellence’s candidates both come bearing grudges.
Carmel Excellence candidates Dina Ferchmin and Robin Clark seem to be carrying some atypical grudges against CCS.
In private, Carmel Excellence trots out the same tired standardized testing misinformation.
Carmel Excellence pretends test scores tell us something about CCS, but Robin Clark served on the board of a school with far worse scores.
Carmel Excellence wants to give away taxpayer assets to private entities.
Carmel Excellence seems intent on providing CCS property as handouts to charter schools.
Carmel Excellence seems a lot less inclusive than Carmel itself.
The pasts of Carmel Excellence's candidates indicate positions at odds with our community's inclusive and welcoming values.
Values shouldn't be taught at school. Unless they're Carmel Excellence's values.
Carmel Excellence says to keep values out of schools. Dina Ferchmin literally wrote a curriculum pushing her values into schools.
Carmel Excellence thinks our schools are theirs to buy.
Carmel Excellence intends to buy control of the CCS school board, then move on to attacking other districts throughout Indiana.